Full Description
The requirements in this Standard apply to the performance in flame-exposure tests of flame-resistant fabrics of natural, synthetic, or combinations of natural and synthetic fibres, or plastic films intended for such use as tents, awnings, draperies, or decorations. The flame resistance of the fabric or film may be inherent in the material used or may be the result of chemical treatment to retard ignition and spread of flame.
The requirements in this Standard are not intended to apply to fabrics and films to be used for clothing nor to materials to be applied to surfaces of building or backing materials as interior finishes.
Where fabrics and films are backed by a substrate, the fabric and film is more appropriately tested to the requirements in CAN/ULC-S102, Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. For the evaluation of roof coverings refer to the requirements in CAN/ULC-S107, Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.
The fabrics and films are intended for use in accordance with the requirements in the National Building Code of Canada.
This new edition includes reference to updated equipment for weathering tests, the addition of a test report section and editorial modifications within the standard.