Full Description
This document provides a guide for the development of a functional specification for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) management systems (DERMS). It includes guiding principles for the application and deployment of DERMS and DERMS control systems, addresses the basic functional requirements and proposes a set of core functions. These include: DER discovery and visualization, and monitoring of real and reactive power flowsand voltage at specific nodes; DER production estimation and scheduling,and dispatch of real and reactive power; DER ancillary services provision,including voltage and frequency control/support. The approach is extended toVirtual Power Plant (VPP) control systems.
The purpose of the DERMS is to aggregate and dispatch multiple DER, coordinate their operation in the distribution grid and optimize their output. With the increased deployment and penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), aggregation of DER is an effective approach to integrate DER into the planning and operation of distribution systems and transmission systems.
New IEEE Standard - Active - Draft.A key concept and requirement for an operational and effective deployment of a large number of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to enable the provision of flexibility and grid services is the aggregation of DER. A DER Management System (DERMS) provides this aggregation function, as well as the functions required to enable grid services. This guide provides a functional specification for a DERMS and describes the grid services that aggregated DER can provide the distribution and transmission systems. It addresses implementation issues and discusses the interoperability requirements of a DERMS with its environment, including the transmission and distribution systems, and the communication and information infrastructure of modern grids.