Full Description
This recommended practice provides guidance on the implementation, configuration and commissioning of systems sharing spectrum between IEEE Std 802.11ah-2016 and IEEE Std 802.15.4 Smart Utility Networking (SUN) Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Physical Layer (PHY) operating in Sub-1 GHz frequency bands.
New IEEE Standard - Active - Draft.Millions of IEEE Std 802.15.4g(TM)-2012 based devices are currently operating in Sub-1 GHz frequency bands to provide the low to moderate data rate capabilities. IEEE Std 802.11ah(TM)-2016 may operate in the same Sub-1 GHz frequency bands and provides higher data rate capabilities. This recommended practice enables IEEE Std 802.15.4g and IEEE Std 802.11ah to effectively operate in license exempt Sub-1 GHz frequency bands, by providing best practices and coexistence methods.