Full Description
This guide covers general recommendaA-tions for the operation, loading, and mainA-tenance of hydro-generators and generator/ motors (pump/turbines), having salient pole rotors and conventional cooling systems (as distinct from conductor-cooling systems). It does not apply to generators having cylindriA-cal rotors. In this guide, the term hydro-genA-erator is used to describe a generator driven bya hydraulic turbine or water wheel.
New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn.General recommendations are provided for the operation, loading, and maintenance of hydro-generators and generator/motors (pump/turbines), having salient pole rotors and conventional cooling systems (as distinct from conductor cooling systems). The term hydro-generator refers to a generator driven by a hydraulic turbine or waterwheel. Types of units and bases of rating are included. Generators with cylindrical rotors are not covered.