Full Description
This guide provides a basis for the systematic evaluation of man-machine performance in nuclear power-generating station control rooms and other peripheries, as such performance relates to nuclear plant safety.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the selection and application of human factors techniques to carry out the following tasks:1) Evaluation of a given man-machine design in control rooms and other control areas to ascertain the degree of design adequacy; 2) Determination, as needed, of changes to increase acceptability of a man-machine design; 3) Determination of the relative adequacy of alternative designs.
New IEEE Standard - Superseded.Superseded. This guide provides a basis for the systematic evaluation of man- machine performance in nuclear power generating station control rooms and other peripheries, as such performance relates to nuclear plant safety. Basic information is supplied as to the available human factors techniques and their applicability to the various human-related issues confronting the commercial nuclear industry today. A brief review is provided of selected, commonly used techniques, along with guidance as to their use and where further related information can be obtained.