Full Description
This standard applies to terminology for tools and equipment used in live line working. This standard is not intended to be a dictionary giving detailed definitions of all the terms used in live line working, but only the necessary details, without indications of their components and their methods of use, to permit identification of the tools and equipment and to standardize their names.Terms used in this guide represent the terms normally used in North America. English terms in the IEC Publication 743 (1983), Terminology for Tools and Equipment to Be Used in Live Working, will typically use the word pole instead of stick and tenon instead of tongue. It should also be noted that there are other tools available and presently in use that are not shown in this guide.
New IEEE Standard - Active.Terminology for tools and equipment used in live line working is given to permit identification of the tools and equipment and to standardize their names. Detailed definitions are not given for all the terms used in live line working, only the necessary details, without indications of their components and their methods of use are provided. The following are covered: insulating sticks; universal to ol fittings; insulating covers and similar assemblies; bypassing equipment; small individual hand tools; personal equipment; equipment for positioning a worker; handling and anchoring equipment; measuring and testing equipment and hydraulic and miscellaneous equipment.