Full Description
This standard applies to semiconductor radiation detectors that are used for the detection and high-resolution spectroscopy of charged particles. The measurement techniques described were selected to be readily available to all manufacturers and users of charged-particle detectors. Some superior techniques are not included because the methods are too complex or require equipment (such as particle accelerators) which may not be readily available.Test procedures for the associated amplifiers and preamplifiers are described in ANSI/IEEE Std 301-1988
The object of this standard is to establish standard test procedures for semiconductor charged particle detectors. These detectors are in widespread use for the detection and high-resolution spectroscopy of charged particles. It is desirable to maintain standard test procedures so that measurements may have the same meaning to all manufacturers and users. Not all tests described in this standard are mandatory, but tests which are used to specify performance shall be performed in accordance with the procedures described herein.
Revision Standard - Inactive-Reserved.