Full Description
This guide presents information on establishing an effective safety program to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations for radio frequency (RF) protection of electrical workers in the vicinity of wireless communication antennas adjacent or attached to electrical power line structures. The guide also providesinformation on power-frequency electric and magnetic field immunity of RF personal monitors (RFPM)and RF protective clothing.
Electric utilities are required to meet the requirements established by applicable regulations [e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC)] for protection of electrical workers in the vicinity of wireless communication antennas adjacent or attached to electrical power line structures. This guide presents information on establishing an effective safety program to assure compliance with these regulatory requirements, including information on RF exposure limits,power-frequency electric and magnetic field immunity of RFPM, and RF protective clothing.
New IEEE Standard - Active.This guide presents information on establishing an effective safety program to assure compliance with the applicable regulations for radio frequency (RF) protection of electrical workers in the vicinity of wireless communication antennas adjacent or attached to electrical power line structures. The guide also provides information on power frequency electric and magnetic field immunity of RF personal monitors and RF protective clothing.