Full Description
The standard defines the building blocks comprising (i) network resource managers, (ii) device resource managers, and (iii) the information to be exchanged between the building blocks, for enabling coordinated network-device distributed decision making that will aid in the optimization of radio resource usage, including spectrum access control, in heterogeneous wireless access networks. The standard is limited to the architectural and functional definitions at a first stage. This standard enables mobile access service in white space frequency bands without any limitation on used radio interface (physical and media access control layers, carrier frequency, etc.) by defining additional components of the IEEE 1900.4a system. Thecorresponding protocols definition related to the information exchange will be addressed at a later stage.
The purpose is to improve overall composite capacity and quality of service of wireless systems in a multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs) environment, by defining an appropriate system architectureand protocols that will facilitate the optimization of radio resource usage, in particular, by exploiting information exchanged between network and mobile Terminals, whether or not they support multiplesimultaneous links and dynamic spectrum access.This standard facilitates cost-effective and multi-vendor production of wireless access system, including cognitive base stations and terminals, capable of operation in white space frequency bands without any limitation on used radio interface, as well as, accelerates commercialization of this system to improve spectrum usage.
Amendment Standard - Active.Additional components of the IEEE 1900.4 system are defined in this amendment to enable mobile wireless access service in white space frequency bands without any limitation on used radio interface (physical and media access control layers, carrier frequency, etc.).