Full Description
Develop a standard for functional area data dictionaries for intelligent transportation systems. Specific issues will be addressed including documenting and coordinating data elements, ownership and identifying attributes for unambiguous data transfer.
Use of digital communications among intelligent transportation systems, e.g., vehicles, management centers (traffic, transit and emergency) and roadside equipment, has led to development of functional area data dictionaries for communications and unambiguous data reuse between the functional areas. The users of this standard will be the developers of the functional area data dictionaries.
New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn.Administratively Withdrawn January 2007 The expanding use of digital communications among subsystems of the transportationinfrastructure has spawned the development of data dictionaries for the communications betweenthese subsystems. A format for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) data dictionaries, includingcommon terms (e.g., time, date, location), as well as meta-attributes necessary to document ITSdata concepts is addressed in this standard.