Full Description
This Technical Report provides guidelines for the description of processes by identifying descriptive elements and rules for their formulation. It characterizes the following elements of process description:- Title;- Purpose;- Outcomes;- Activities;- Tasks;- Information items.In addition process views are described.It does not describe how processes are composed or otherwise aggregated into larger frameworks orarchitectures.
ISO/IEC standards generally do not include a statement of purpose. This guide will not have a purpose statement.
New IEEE Standard - Active.ISO/IEC TR 24774:2010 is adopted by this standard.An increasing number of international, national and industry standards describe process models. These models are developed for a range of purposes including process implementation and assessment. The terms and descriptions used in such models vary in format, content and level of prescription. ISO/IEC TR 24774:2010 presents guidelines for the elements used most frequently in describing a process: the title, purpose, outcomes, activities, task and information item. Whilstthe primary purpose of ISO/IEC TR 24774:2010 is to encourage consistency in standard process reference models, the guidelines it provides can be applied to any process model developed forany purpose.