IEC 62680-3-1:2017(E) defines the latest generation USB industry standard, USB 3.1. The specification describes the protocol definition, types of transactions, bus management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with this specification. USB 3.1 is primarily a performance enhancement to SuperSpeed USB 3.0 resulting in providing more than double the bandwidth for devices such as Solid State Drives and High Definition displays. It refers to Enhanced SuperSpeed as a collection of features or requirements that apply to both USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 bus operation. Additionally, where specific differences exist with regard to the USB 3.0 definition of SuperSpeed features or requirements, those differences will be uniquely identified as SuperSpeedPlus (or SSP) features or requirements generally, SuperSpeed is in reference to 5 Gbps operation and SuperSpeedPlus is in reference to 10 Gbps operation.
Product Details
Edition: 1.0 Published: 03/07/2017 Number of Pages: 639 File Size: 1 file , 16 MB
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