BS 01/714272 DC
ISO/DIS 1179-1. Connections for general use and fluid power. Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing. Part 1: Threaded ports
Cross References: ISO 1302:1992 ISO 6149-1:1993 ISO 6149-2:1993 ISO 6149-3:1993 ISO 9974-1:1996 ISO 9974-2:1996 ISO 9974-3:1996 ISO 11926-1:1995 ISO 11926-2:1995 ISO 11926-3:1995 ISO 16030 ISO 228-1 ISO 228-2 ISO 1179-2 ISO 1179-3 ISO 1179-4 ISO 5598
Product Details
Published: 10/25/2001 Number of Pages: 12
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