Full Description
BS PD IEC TR 62453-51-31:2017, which is a Technical Report, provides information forintegrating the PROFIBUS1 protocol into the COM-based implementation of FDT interfacespecification (IEC TR 62453-41).
This part of IEC 62453 specifies implementation of communication and other services basedon IEC 62453-303-1.
This document neither contains the FDT specification nor modifies it.
Cross References:IEC 62453-1:2016
IEC 62453-2:2016
IEC 62453-303-1:2009
IEC 62453-303-1:2009/AMD1:2016
IEC 61784-1:2014
IEC TR 62453-41:2016
IEC 61158
ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Ed 1
All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.