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BS PD ISO/TS 21219-21:2018

BS PD ISO/TS 21219-21:2018 Intelligent transport systems. Traffic and travel information via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2). Geographic location referencing (TPEG-GLR)

standard by BSI Group, 04/12/2018

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BS PD ISO/TS 21219-21:2018 defines a method of using geographic location referencing (GLR) that can be used byrelevant TPEG applications. The GLR type is defined in this document. It is used for defining geographiclocation references (points, polylines, and geographical areas). The GLR method is intended to be oneof the methods that can be transported inside a TPEG-location referencing container (TPEG-LRC) forthose TPEG applications providing information for primarily geographical locations (e.g. weather).

The GLR specification is kept basic and compact on purpose, such that it can also be employedadvantageously in non-navigation devices for simple TPEG services such as weather information,safety alerts, etc. As such, the GLR location referencing method is intended to be complementary tomap-related location referencing methods, where the focus rather is on the referencing of man-madeartefacts such as roads and highways.

The scope of GLR is limited to geographic locations on the Earth?s surface for the abovementionedrationale.

Cross References:
ISO/TS 18234-3
ISO/TS 21219-15
ISO/TS 21219-21
ISO/TS 21219-10
ISO/TS 21219-4
ISO/TS 21219-3
ISO/TS 21219-18
ISO/TS 18234-1
ISO/TS 21219-1
ISO/TS 21219-16
ISO/TS 21219-14
ISO/TS 18234-2
ISO/TS 18234-5
ISO/TS 21219-5
ISO/TS 21219-9
ISO/TS 21219-22
ISO/TS 18234-4
ISO/TS 21219-19
ISO/TS 21219-2
ISO/TS 21219-7
ISO/TS 18234-6

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

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