Full Description
This standard covers selection, installation, commissioning,calibration and verification of Hybrid Tank MeasurementSystems (HTMSs) for the measurement of level, static mass,observed and standard volume, and observed and referencedensity in tanks storing petroleum and petroleum products. Itis up to the user to define which measurements are requiredfor custody transfer or inventory control purposes (standardvolume, mass, or both). Therefore, this standard also providesa method of uncertainty analysis, with examples, to enableusers to select the correct components and configure anHTMS to more closely address the intended application. (SeeAppendix B.)
This standard covers HTMSs for stationary storage tanksstoring liquid hydrocarbons with a Reid Vapor Pressurebelow 15 psi (103.42 kPa). This standard applies to verticalcylindrical tanks, and can also be applied to tanks with othergeometries (e.g., spherical and horizontal cylindrical) whichhave been calibrated by a recognized oil industry method.Examples of uncertainty analysis for spherical and horizontalcylindrical tanks are also given in Appendix B. This standarddoes not apply to pressurized tanks or marine applications.
This standard covers the installation and calibration ofHTMSs for custody transfer and inventory control.