API Publication 4261 summarizesinformation from the technical literature onproducing and applying alcohols and ethersas fuels and fuel components for thetransportation sector. It assesses thetechnical advantages and disadvantages ofalcohols and ethers with respect tohydrocarbon fuels. Since the amendment ofthe Clean Air Act in 1977, and subsequentlyin 1990, public interest in the role ofoxygenates in transportation hassignificantly increased. This edition of APIPublication 4261 has been updated andexpanded to include a review of theoxygenate regulations and the technicalliterature that has been published since1988. It provides a technical assessmentsuitable for policy discussions related toalcohols and ethers in transportation.
Product Details
Edition: 3rd Published: 06/01/2001 Number of Pages: 119 File Size: 1 file , 720 KB Product Code(s): C42613, C42613, C42613 Note: This product is unavailable in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria
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