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AASHTO M 315M-09

AASHTO M 315M-09 [ Withdrawn ] Standard Specification for Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] (ASTM Designation: C 443M-07)

standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2009

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AASHTO M 315M-09 is identical to ASTM C 443M-07.

This specification covers flexible watertight joints forconcrete pipe and precast manhole sections, using rubbergaskets for sealing the joints, where infiltration or exfiltration isa factor in the design. The specification covers the design ofjoints and the requirements for rubber gaskets to be usedtherewith, for pipe conforming in all other respects to Speci-fication C 14M, Specification C 76M, or Specification C 507Mand precast manhole section conforming in all other respects toSpecification C 478M, provided that if there is conflict inpermissible variations in dimensions, the requirements of thisspecification for joints shall govern.

This specification is the metric counterpart of Specifi-cation C 443.

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