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AASHTO T 141-11

AASHTO T 141-11 Standard Method of Test for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete

standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2011

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This method covers the procedures for obtaining representative samples of fresh concrete as delivered to the project site and on which tests are to be performed to determine compliance with quality requirements of the specifications under which the concrete is furnished. The method includes sampling from stationary, paving and truck mixers, and from agitating and nonagitating equipment used to transport central mixed concrete.

Note--Combined samples are required by this method, unless specifically excepted by procedures governing the tests to be performed, such as tests to determine uniformity of consistency and mixer efficiency. Procedures used to select the specific test batches are not described in this method, but it is recommended that random sampling be used to determine overall specification compliance.

This practice also covers the procedures to be used for preparing a sample of concrete for further testing where it is desirable or necessary to remove the aggregate larger than a designated size. This removal of larger aggregate particles is preferably accomplished by wet-sieving.

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